WRESTLEMANIA REWRITE: Wrestlemania X8 | WrestleZone Forums

also, Vince quite obviously wanted WWF to come out looking like the good guys, but it could of been so much better if he didnt use his ego in booking the angle. Id of made it a 5 hour card, with 14 matches. A lot i know, but im using a total dream scenario here.

If i had my way, in 2001, it wouldnt of been WWF vs The Alliance. There would be no Alliance. I'd of kept it far more real. Heyman hated WCW, joining with them really sucked the life out of ECW in the angle to most people in the know about Heymans feelings. Id of had it as WWF (mainly as faces) vs WCW (mainly heels) vs ECW (total inbetweeners) but i know due to the fact WWF only accquired about 10 of the WCW contracts, WWF couldnt do it like it could of been done. Maybe if it was left and just teased for a few years, it could of been different

also, Vince quite obviously wanted WWF to come out looking like the good guys, but it could of been so much better if he didnt use his ego in booking the angle.

Id of made it a 5 hour card, with 14 matches. A lot i know, but im using a total dream scenario here.
WWF Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin (wwf) vs Goldberg (wcw)

WCW World Championship
The Rock (wwf) vs "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan (wcw)

Shawn Michaels (wwf) vs Bret Hart (wcw)
Yes Bret was retired by now, and HBK wasnt back to in ring competition yet but this would of truely been a dream rematch

Degeneration X (wwf) vs The NWO (wcw)
HHH, X Pac, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn and Chyna (vs Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett and The Giant(AKA The Big Show)

Show would of turned on the WWF and joined WCW during the invasion in 2001

The Undertaker and Kane (wwf) vs Sting and Lex Luger (wcw)

WCW United States Championship
Kurt Angle (wwf) vs "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig (wcw)

Ric Flair (wcw) vs Shane Douglas (ecw)
Grudge match stemming from Shane Douglas' hate for the old NWA and Ric Flair in general

WWF/WCW/ECW Tag Titles
The Hardy Boyz (wwf) vs Edge and Christian (wwf) vs Dudley Boyz (ecw) vs Lance Storm and Mike Awesome (wcw)

WWF Intercontinental Title
Chris Jericho (wwf) vs RVD (ecw) vs William Regal (wcw)

Wouldnt of made Jericho the world champ just yet, but would of gone on to win the title after almost straight after this match

Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and Dean Malenko (wwf) vs Randy Savage, DDP and Roddy Piper (wcw)
Fued about the old geezers from WCW not giving up their stop to the younger blood, stemming from the reason the Radicalz left WCW. Couldnt fit Saturn in here sadly as i couldnt think of another WCW wrestler who was considered "past it" in the late 90's early 00's

Hardcore Match
Mick Foley (wwf) vs Terry Funk (ecw) with Al Snow as the Ref

Chucked in Al Snow because i would of sold it as he has mixed alligences between ecw and wwf, and awas a friend of both

Trish Stratus and Lita (wwf) vs Molly Holly and Jacquline (wcw) vs Jazz and Francine/Dawn Marie (ecw)

WCW Cruiserweight Title
Rey Mysterio (wcw) vs Billy Kidman (wcw) vs Psicosis (wcw) vs Chavo Guerrero (wcw) vs Juventude Guerrera (ecw) vs Tajiri (ecw) vs Jerry Lynn (ecw) vs Super Crazy (ecw)

Final Match would be a winner takes all match, 6 vs 6, WWF vs WCW, but at the last moment, Paul Heyman would come out and moan about his ECW not being part, so places them in the match aswell making it 6 v 6 v 6, 1 man from each promotion in the ring at a time in a gauntlet style match

Team WWF: Stone Cold, The Rock, The Undertaker, HHH, Chris Jerichi and Kurt Angle
Team WCW: Hogan, Goldberg, Nash, Hall, The Giant and Sting
Team ECW: Tazz, Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Rhyno, The Sandman and Sabu

Id also chuck in some matches for heat aswell for others that wernt on the card
APA vs Kronik
Kaientai vs Jung Dragons
Hurricane Healms vs Test
Rikishi vs Bam Bam Bigelow

Just thought id mention, i couldnt find a place for Booket T on the card which to which i was confused about. So if anyone has any ideas on where he could of fit in, please mention.

