Who is Patrik Laine's girlfriend? All you need to know about Jordan Leigh

Patrik Laine, the 25-year-old Finnish winger, plays for the Columbus Blue Jackets. He is known for his impressive marksman abilities and is often compared to the NHL legends Mike Bossy and Cam Neely. Off the ice, Laine is happily in a relationship with a beautiful woman, Jordan Leigh. She is a model and is believed

Patrik Laine, the 25-year-old Finnish winger, plays for the Columbus Blue Jackets. He is known for his impressive marksman abilities and is often compared to the NHL legends Mike Bossy and Cam Neely.

Off the ice, Laine is happily in a relationship with a beautiful woman, Jordan Leigh. She is a model and is believed to be one year younger than Laine. Before transforming into a model, Leigh equipped herself with an impressive academic background and holds a major in health policy from Wake Forest University.

The duo, with their undeniable chemistry and adventurous spirits, provides a refreshing window into their lives on Instagram.

Who is Patrik Laine's ex-girlfriend Sanna Mari Kiukas?

Before dating Jordan Leigh, the 25-year-old winger was in a relationship with a woman named Sanna Mari Kiukas. They were believed to have been together for a long time.

Sanna was born in Finland and was also a former hockey player who represented her country at various international competitions. However, she kept access to her life limited to only a small number of people, and nothing more is known about her personal life. It's also unclear why the couple split up.

Patrik Laine, meanwhile, has been focused and committed to his hockey career. Drafted No.2 overall by the Winnipeg Jets in the 2016 draft, Laine has been in the league for seven years now.

After skating for five years with the Jets, the 25-year-old winger joined the Columbus Blue Jackets and has been with the team for the last three years. In his seven-year NHL career, Laine has played 462 games, garnering 379 points (198 goals and 181 assists).

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