Who is Aaron Paul and is he related to Jake Paul?

Jake Paul and Logan Paul are in no manner related to Aaron Paul. Although all three of them are performers with the same last name, the Paul brothers claimed their fame through their YouTube channels. Meanwhile, Aaron Paul became widely known for his role in arguably the best show of all time, 'Breaking Bad'.

Jake Paul and Logan Paul are in no manner related to Aaron Paul. Although all three of them are performers with the same last name, the Paul brothers claimed their fame through their YouTube channels. Meanwhile, Aaron Paul became widely known for his role in arguably the best show of all time, 'Breaking Bad'.

Aaron Paul is the actor who played one of the most famous characters ever, 'Jesse Pinkman'. His portrayal of a meth-addict who started the drug's production with his former chemistry professor has been applauded around the globe for over a decade now. He has been nominated and bestowed with accolades many times for his outstanding role as a supporting actor. These include a Golden Globe nomination and a pair of Emmy awards.

After his legendary stint as Jesse Pinkman, Aaron Paul was part of another successful TV show. He was the executive producer of the animated TV series Bojack Horseman. Paul also voiced the character 'Todd Chavez' in the series. Todd Chavez is an immensely talented yet unemployed character who landed up at Bojack's house for a party and stayed there.

Other notable works of Aaron Paul include lead actor in 'Need For Speed', Jesse Pinkman in 'El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie', and roles in 'Exodus: Gods and Kings' and 'Central Intelligence' (2016).

When Aaron Paul lashed out at Jake Paul's brother, Logan Paul

Logan Paul was at the heart of a heated controversy stemming from one of the vlogs on his YouTube channel. On December 31, 2017, Logan Paul posted a video of a dead body hanging from a tree in Japan's Suicide Forest. The video received heavy backlash on social media, and Aaron Paul too expressed disappointment in Logan Paul for posting such content.

Aaron Paul took to Twitter to address Logan Paul. He wrote,

"How dare you! You disgust me. I can't believe that so many young people look up to you. So sad. Hopefully this latest video woke them up. You are pure trash. Plain and simple. Suicide is not a joke. Go rot in hell."

Aaron Paul's Tweet, which has now been deleted, received a mammoth response from fans, appreciating Aaron Paul for his statement. Soon after, YouTube also released an official statement, mentioning that such visuals without the correct intent or process are against its guidelines.

Logan Paul quickly Tweeted an apology on the matter soon after, claiming that he did not have the wrong intentions while posting the video.

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