Rock Hudson Called This Man His 'True Love'

Lee Garlington was a film extra in 1962 when he first laid eyes on Rock Hudson, who by then was then an enormous movie star. In an interview with People, Garlington said he had heard rumors about Hudson being a gay man, so he decided to see for himself. "I stood outside his cottage on

Lee Garlington was a film extra in 1962 when he first laid eyes on Rock Hudson, who by then was then an enormous movie star. In an interview with People, Garlington said he had heard rumors about Hudson being a gay man, so he decided to see for himself. "I stood outside his cottage on the Universal lot," said Garlington, "pretending to read 'Variety,' which was probably upside down at the time. He walked out and down the street. He looked back once. That was it."

But though Garlington may have thought Hudson had paid no mind to the young extra that day, he got a call from the "Giant" actor (via one of his friends) a year later. Garlington went to meet Hudson in Beverly Hills and was "scared to death," he said. "Of course, he was 6-foot-4, a monster. He offered me a beer, but nothing happened. Literally. I was too scared. He said, 'Well, let's get together,' and we did."

