New cover of OK! Rob Pattinson tells Oprah: Kristens pregnant!

Just before the weekend, E! Online ran an article claiming that Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart confirmed to Oprah that theyre dating. As Kaiser reported earlier, Rob, Kristen, Taylor Lautner and Dakota Fanning taped an episode of Oprah that will air tomorrow. Oprah wanted to know whether Rob and Kristen were a couple, and they

Just before the weekend, E! Online ran an article claiming that Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart confirmed to Oprah that they’re dating. As Kaiser reported earlier, Rob, Kristen, Taylor Lautner and Dakota Fanning taped an episode of Oprah that will air tomorrow. Oprah wanted to know whether Rob and Kristen were a couple, and they allegedly told her that yes, they were, but that was backstage in exchange for Oprah not grilling them about their status on air. When Oprah asked mildly during the show if they were together, they reportedly gave a jokey answer and essentially skirted the question. Rob made a quip that Kristen was pregnant and then Kristen joked that Rob was having their baby.

That is enough for OK! to run yet another misleading Rob and Kristen cover story in which they claim that Rob told Oprah Kristen is pregnant. He did, but it was a joke. This is the same publication that ran a cover on these two last year with the title “We’re already like a couple: inside our home.” Only there was no accompanying interview with either of them and the “inside our home” part just included details of the adjoining suites at the hotel where they stayed in Vancouver while filming. Here’s OK!’s teaser article:

For over a year, Twilight’s Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have shrouded their romance in a mystery befitting the stars of a vampire saga.

They’ve met in shadowy bars, snuck off on secret getaways and sidestepped inquiries from the media about their love life — that is until Oprah Winfrey started asking questions.

At the May 6 taping of The Oprah Show, she asked them the million dollar question: Is talk of a relationship true? Oprah got a doozy of an answer from Rob: “Kristen’s pregnant.”

Plus, check out a rundown of the most recent startling confessions from Oprah’s celebrity guests and a sneak peek of some scenes from The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

[From OK!]

I bet the rest of that sentence goes “Kristen’s pregnant… in Breaking Dawn” Don’t forget the OK! stories from last year “Wedding of The Year… in Breaking Dawn” and “Rob and Kristen Engaged… in Eclipse” and “Rob Risks it all for Kristen… in character.” This relationship is a boon to this series and to tabloids hoping to corner the tween market. By not confirming anything, they’re only fueling the rumors and the publicity, of which Twilight surely doesn’t need. Rob and Kristen haven’t yet proven themselves able to carry a non-Twilight film, so they may be benefiting from the “are they are aren’t they” speculation most of all.

