Meghan Markle is breaking down Big Fruitcakes stranglehold on wedding cakes

Im generally more of a chocolate and/or cookies person, but sometimes my sweet tooth takes me to CAKE. There are just some days when Im hankering for a simple white-cake cupcake, or a really small sheetcake (damn, I need to pick up a cake later today). Again, I dont really have fancy tastes Im

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend an event at Millennium Point to celebrate International Women's Day in Birmingham

I’m generally more of a chocolate and/or cookies person, but sometimes my sweet tooth takes me to CAKE. There are just some days when I’m hankering for a simple white-cake cupcake, or a really small sheetcake (damn, I need to pick up a cake later today). Again, I don’t really have fancy tastes – I’m going to enjoy a really expensive cake as much as I will enjoy a cheap grocery store cake. But it’s not my wedding and I’m not invited to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding. It turns out, Harry and Meg aren’t doing the British-traditional fruitcake at their wedding. They’re going to do a lemon elderflower cake instead.

For their wedding cake Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle have chosen pastry chef Claire Ptak, owner of the London-based bakery @violetcakes.

— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) March 20, 2018

Prince Harry and Ms. Markle have asked Claire to create a lemon elderflower cake that will incorporate the bright flavours of spring. It will be covered with buttercream and decorated with fresh flowers.

— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) March 20, 2018

Meghan Markle is already breaking down the Establishment! THE FRUITCAKE ESTABLISHMENT. Big Fruitcake is going to get their knickers in a twist about that one. How dare this daft Yank come across the pond and deny the Fruitcake?!? Also: William and Kate had a traditional fruitcake for their wedding cake, but William also had a groom’s cake which was chocolate-biscuit. I wonder what Harry’s groom’s cake will be? And does anyone in Great Britain just do a simple white-cake, white-icing cake at weddings or is it always fruitcake? I’m telling you, The UK Fruitcake Industrial Complex is not going to be happy.

Prince Harry and fiancee Meghan Markle during a visit to Cardiff Castle as part of their royal duties

Prince Harry and fiancee Meghan Markle during a visit to Cardiff Castle as part of their royal duties

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News and WENN.

