Love Island's Valerie Bragg On Her Elimination And What Happened With Jesse

The authenticity that you brought to the screen fans were so sad to see you go and said that you were robbed of time. I also appreciated that you were yourself. In retrospect, watching it back, are you happy with all the decisions that you made?

The authenticity that you brought to the screen — fans were so sad to see you go and said that you were robbed of time. I also appreciated that you were yourself. In retrospect, watching it back, are you happy with all the decisions that you made?

Oh, for sure. I have no regrets. Even thinking, "What if I had done something different?" — I could have, but then I wouldn't have been able to really show myself. If I'm just in there trying to ride it out, I can't show my true self, in a sense, because I'm more focused on staying. But by going in there wanting to make a connection, I was able to show my personality and the type of woman that I am. I'm very happy, and I'm proud of myself for staying true to myself and showing the world how it is.

You've had to deal with some negative social media attention in the past. In what ways are you hoping that this experience showed people a very different and far more authentic side of you that they may not have otherwise known about?

People get misled by looks, and from the type of woman that I am, I know what I have to offer. Going on the show showed a side of my personality that not a lot of people get to see, because they don't know me. One of the comments that a lot of people tell me after they meet me [is], "Wow, you're a lot nicer than I thought." I'm like, "What do you mean?" 

A lot of people expect me to be a mean girl or mean for some reason, which I get, because a lot of pretty girls tend to come across that way. But once they meet me, you're like, "Wow, you're actually so nice." It's nice to be able to show that and show myself. I don't let sh*t slide, but at the end of the day, I'm very genuine, and I do truly believe that.

With that said, what's on the horizon for you? What can fans expect to see from you next, if you can say?

Honestly, I'm still taking the time to decompress. I have a certain perspective on things, and I want to have influence on women, and I want to be able to help them through situations and maybe bring out a little bit more confidence when it comes to making decisions or showing themselves. I have in mind starting a podcast or YouTube channel and having people ask me about topics that they would like me to speak on, and maybe something that I can share my views on. Right now, that's what's on my mind. I haven't started it yet, but I'm sure when I do, I'll be posting it on social media.

"Love Island" USA Season 4 drops new episodes Tuesdays through Sundays on NBC's Peacock, with recap episodes releasing on Saturdays.

This interview was edited for clarity.

