Jessica Pare v. January Jones: who looked better at the Mad Men premiere?

The LA premiere of Mad Men Season 6 was held last night, and there are lots of new photos! Considering this is a Thursday and its not crazy in the gossip world right now, I thought wed take out time going through lots of these photos. I was going to lump all of the Mad

The LA premiere of Mad Men Season 6 was held last night, and there are lots of new photos! Considering this is a Thursday and it’s not crazy in the gossip world right now, I thought we’d take out time going through lots of these photos. I was going to lump all of the Mad Men ladies together, but no. I want to spread this out! Because OMG MEGAN DRAPER. This is the reason I haven’t been looking forward to this season as much as past seasons. It’s because of Megan Draper. And no disrespect to Jessica Pare at all – I think she’s a decent actress doing the best job possible with a supremely annoying character. I don’t even want to say that Megan Draper’s trajectory is weak writing, because I feel like the writers gave Don Draper the fait accompli of that Faustian bargain he made in Korea – you can change your name, you can start over, you can scrub your past, but it will always come back and there will never be anything better, the grass only looks greener on the other side, but everything is always the worst. That being said, I don’t even want to look at Megan Draper any more. I hate her.

Anyway, Jessica wore this Prabal Gurung which I kind of love. Gorgeous. But not on her, right? I’d like to see this dress on another woman, with different shoes. I also think Jessica should stop with this kind of styling. Center part, sleek ponytail and dark eyes? Yikes. It does nothing for her face.

If looking good is the best revenge for the second Mrs. Draper (yeah, I said it, ANNA DRAPER CAME FIRST), then January Jones is winning. Fat Betty wore this beachy Joanthan Saunders dress with a surprise side view of her beav. Doesn’t January look pretty when she’s not trying to be so hardcore high-fashion? She looks amazing!

Photos courtesy of WENN.

