J.Lo & Marc Anthony split because of jealousy, crazy fights, Marcs controlling ways

And so it begins. Starting Monday afternoon, speculation and stories about Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony went into overdrive. I guess, technically, it started just as soon as Marc and Jennifer announced their split on Friday, picked up some steam over the weekend, but it seemed like yesterday, all of a sudden there were a


And so it begins. Starting Monday afternoon, speculation and stories about Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony went into overdrive. I guess, technically, it started just as soon as Marc and Jennifer announced their split on Friday, picked up some steam over the weekend, but it seemed like yesterday, all of a sudden there were a million stories about J.Lo and Marc. So let’s take it point by point, shall we?

*Lainey says that Us Weekly had the story early last week, but held it for a few days under the understanding that Jennifer would give them a statement. Then, Marc went behind Jennifer’s back and released the news to People Mag. Keep this in mind in the coming weeks – because I feel an Us Weekly vs. People Mag pissing contest coming on, and we will all be the beneficiaries.

*Us Weekly says that Jennifer and Marc have been “struggling for years” and that Jennifer “tried everything she could to make it work… They went to marriage counseling. She was patient and loving and did everything he wanted her to.. She exhausted all the possibilities,” according to a source close Jennifer. Another source says, “They had a very up and down marriage. They would get into heated, horrible fights. Then, they would also go through times where they were extremely loving and romantic…It was a roller coaster with them from the beginning.” Yet more insiders say, “She is devastated. Absolutely beside herself. This is someone she dedicated a long time to, and that she truly loved. She is looking forward to the future. She is jumping back into work and being a mom with all her energy and she is really excited. She feels like she has grown leaps and bounds and is a new person now, better than ever.” Jennifer is expected to stay in LA and get primary custody of their twins. She’s also really busy, with lots of ongoing and new projects.

*Meanwhile, People Magazine says that Marc and Jennifer’s split came “after months of nonstop arguing…. Marc and Jennifer decided it’s best to go their separate ways for the sake of their two kids.” A source says that “Jennifer is doing okay. In the past two weeks, she has spent a lot of quality time with her kids and her family in L.A. She is, of course, sad that she and Marc didn’t work out, but they both feel they have tried everything.” So far, very similar to Us Weekly’s story. That will change in the weeks to come, I think.

*There were some stories that “the reason” for the split was Jennifer’s alleged relationship/affair with a Cuban male model named William Levy, known as the “Brad Pitt of Cuba”. He was the too-pretty dude in Jennifer’s video for “I’m Into You” (a music video I actually kind of liked). William is 30 years old and he just split from his wife of eight years one month after the music video shoot with Jennifer. BUT! William denied that junk, getting his spokesperson to tell TMZ, “The only relationship there was or is, is a professional relationship. That’s all there’s ever been.” Also: Levy forces underage girls to fellate him while he strangles them, allegedly.

*One more story, courtesy of E! News. According to E! News’ source, Jennifer just kept trying to make her marriage work: “She tried so hard to make this marriage work… She put up with—and kept putting up with—Marc’s controlling ways, which had been going on for a long time, and she was really trying to make the best of it. He would micromanage their lives . He was all over her all the time—about everything—and I know she tried very hard, and for a long time, to act like it didn’t bother her, but I know it did. A lot. He would hover over her, and it was almost antagonizing. She couldn’t breathe.” A source from American Idol (coughDameSeacrestcough) says that Jennifer was almost “scary” in her devotion to Marc, “She was always saying, ‘Marc likes this’ or ‘Marc doesn’t like that,’ as if he was her manager. We never once saw them fight.” Also: Jennifer had jealousy issues too, and tried to end Marc’s ongoing friendship with his ex-wife Dayanara Torres. Eh.





Photos courtesy of WENN.

