Giannis Antetokounmpo, who's put on 40 lbs of muscle since NBA debut, guides 7'4" Victor Wembanyama

Giannis Antetokounmpo and Victor Webmanyaman are on similar paths when entering the NBA. Both are international players and started their professional careers with a skinny body type. After 10 years in the NBA, Antetokounmpo went from the skinny prospect to one of the strongest players in the league. He now tips the scales at 243

Giannis Antetokounmpo and Victor Webmanyaman are on similar paths when entering the NBA. Both are international players and started their professional careers with a skinny body type.

After 10 years in the NBA, Antetokounmpo went from the skinny prospect to one of the strongest players in the league. He now tips the scales at 243 lbs and is known as one of the best players in the entire world.

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On the other hand, Wembanyama is promoted as the biggest basketball prospect since LeBron James and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. His 7-foot-4 lanky frame weighs only 210 lbs and critics would always cite his skinny body as his weakness to go up against the likes of Nikole Jokic and Joel Embiid.

In the "48 Minutes" podcast, Antetokounmpo was interviewed on what would be his advice to Wembanyama on gaining weight:

"Slowly, he doesn't have to really put a lot of weight fast like I didn't put weight fast. Like every year, take five to seven pounds and I feel as you get older you get you get five percent like your body grows five percent naturally even if you like it or you don't."

Entering his 11th season in the league, Giannis Antetokounmpo now owns a long resume of achievements including being an NBA champion in 2021, two-time NBA MVP, seven-time NBA All-Star and the NBA Defensive Player of the Year in 2020.

Victor Wembanyama is still about to play his first game with the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA but following the path of the "Greek Freak" could propel him to the level of the hype he was given.

Watch: Giannis Antetokounmpo's full interview with 48 Minutes

Giannis Antetokounmpo took it year by year to get to his tank body type

When you put the picture of a rookie Antetokounmpo to what he is today, you have to credit the trainers for bulking him up to get more suited in playing NBA basketball.

The body transformation didn't come quickly. Antetokounmpo said that it took him years to where he is right now:

"I kind of had the mentality of speeding up that process so the first year, I put five to seven pounds. Second year, five more. Third year, five more. Fourth year, five to seven. Fifth year, I actually pay attention to what I ate, stay off the sugar, did not drink soda- it was just water, healthy stuff."

In 10 seasons, Antetokounmpo has career averages of 22.6 points, 9.6 rebounds, 4.7 assists, 1.3 blocks and 1.1 steals per game. In the 2022-23 season, his numbers after 63 regular season games were 31.1 PPG, 11.8 RPG and 5.7 APG.

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