Did You Know Oscars Edition: The Wolf of Wall Street Was Heavily Improvised

If youre a fan of Martin Scorcese, and most living beings are, you know that he loves improvisation. Apparently, it can get a film nominated for an Oscar. Did you know that the majority of The Wolf of Wall Street was improvised per Scorceses preference. A couple noteworthy scenes that the actors were free to

"The Wolf Of Wall Street" - UK Premiere - Red Carpet Arrivals

If you’re a fan of Martin Scorcese, and most living beings are, you know that he loves improvisation. Apparently, it can get a film nominated for an Oscar.

Did you know that the majority of The Wolf of Wall Street was improvised per Scorcese’s preference. A couple noteworthy scenes that the actors were free to express themselves include:

– The scene where Margot Robbie slaps Leonardo DiCaprio was Margot letting the emotions getting the best of her. Apparently, she hit Leo a lot harder than was planned and even added a few swears in there. At first, she was embarrassed and nervous Leo and the crew would be upset, but they just laughed it off and thought it was great.

– The scene where Jon Bernthal punched Jonah Hill was real and Scorcese ran with it. Apparently, Bernthal hit Hill so hard that the prosthetic teeth he was wearing split and flew out of his mouth. Scorcese loved it so much he even kept shooting as Hill’s face swelled up real time.

– Margot Robbie had three shots of tequila before her love scene with Leonardo DiCaprio. After that they pretty much just let it fly.

– Leonardo’s dance scene was done on the spot and was something he’s been working on for years with no goal in mind.

– Leonardo’s scene where he is attempting to get out of the car while overdosed on lemons was completely improvised that day. It was Leo’s idea to open the car door with his foot. He ended up straining his back shooting the scene and only did it once.

The Wolf of Wall Street is a serious contender to win an Oscar for Best Picture. It’s amazing to see a film knowing much of it was improvised. Then again it should come as no surprise it was of such quality we’re talking DiCaprio and Hill here.

Image via Ian Gavan/Getty Images

