Bombshell McGee is dumb, racist & crude on Howard Stern

Everybodys favorite tattooed-forehead hooker Bombshell McGee did an interview on Howard Stern yesterday, and as you can imagine, this sh-t was pretty disgusting. Note: I am specifically not listening to any recordings of this, just because I dont want to know what this bitchs voice sounds like. I just have a feeling that once I

Michelle Bombshell at Deja Vu Las Vegas

Everybody’s favorite tattooed-forehead hooker Bombshell McGee did an interview on Howard Stern yesterday, and as you can imagine, this sh-t was pretty disgusting. Note: I am specifically not listening to any recordings of this, just because I don’t want to know what this bitch’s voice sounds like. I just have a feeling that once I hear her, I won’t be able to get it out of my head, so I’m sorry if I’m a bad blogger for not transcribing this sh-t myself, but, you know, I don’t wanna.

By the way, Bombshell did the interview to promote her “extreme wrestling match” with porn star Gina Lynn. It’s being held sometime soon, if you care. Here are some of the “highlights” from the interview (sources: PopEater, HuffPo, Us Weekly):

*On Sandra Bullock: “I feel bad for her, I do… [But] They slept with 9 dogs in the bed … she liked to sleep with all the dogs in the bed.”

Bombshell on what JJ told her about his marriage: “We watched her on TV one time,” she said. “[James] said they were separated, so I believed him.”

*Why did she have the affair? “Boredom… Had nothing better to do. It was a sexual thing… I also wished it was a relationship — but I wasn’t in love with him. I was like, ‘Let’s go do something! Let’s go get food!’ He was always like ‘Shh!..Can’t go out in public, just be patient, just give it time, stuff like that.'”

*How often did Bombshell and JJ have sex? “Two to three, four times a night, two times a week,” often on James’ coffin-shaped couch, she told an incredulous Stern. McGee “never saw” the Seal Beach, Calif. home James shared with Bullock, his wife of nearly five years.

On sex with Jesse James: “Yeah, it wasn’t excellent,” she said. While she claims she wasn’t overly impressed, she added that his hands were strong, because he “literally ripped (my leggings) off.”

*She refused talk about whether they used protection, saying: “That’s just too personal. I was on birth control pills, so I wasn’t afraid of getting pregnant.” She does say that despite his “Vanilla Gorilla” nickname, he was of average endowment but had excellent stamina, having sex up to four times a night.

*Is JJ a white supremacist? “No, not very white supremacist. No. No, more like white pride stuff.”

*What did Bombshell get out of the relationship? “He gave me a T-shirt once … it had wolves on it… I didn’t even get a slice of pizza. I couldn’t even get him to take me out for pizza! Of course he wasn’t gonna marry me.”

*On dating anyone other than white dudes: “I’ve dated other races, just not a black guy,” she said. “I’m not against it. I make a horrible racist Nazi. I have too many colored friends.” Bombshell also refers to herself as “colored” because of her tattoos.

*On her swastika tattoo: Bombshell said she got her swastika tattoo in her late teens when she was running with a bad crowd.

*Bombshell writes on her blog: “I’m going to show the world what’s really inked on my va-jay-jay!” Rumor is that it’s a swastika.

I’m sure there’s more stuff to cover with this, but I’ve kind of had my fill. Bombshell also put a photo of her vadge up on her blog yesterday, claiming that she was going to do a big reveal. Ugh. Whatever. I mean, this woman is stupid and ridiculous and horrible, but I also just think… it’s like 90% Jesse’s fault. Even though I know in my heart that Bombshell is a f-cked up woman, Jesse is the one that really disgusts me.

Michelle Bombshell at Deja Vu Las Vegas Michelle Bombshell at Deja Vu Las Vegas Photo by: AJM/AAD/ 2010 4/23/10 Michelle Bombshell McGee at a signing for D

